Talafornia, miles away from the
so called Californian lifestyle upon which it’s based, and more akin to
Thrashyfornia if you ask me! TV3 what were you thinking?! Just when you thought
Take me Out was bad, they introduce this lot! The Talafornia crew make the Take
Me Out line up almost look classy (almost!)! This is not entertainment – this is
distasteful viewing, and viewing not worthy of national broadcast!
A stripper, a bodybuilder, a few from
the umpa lumpa (fake tan) brigade, scantily clad girls and a D4 head who
obviously missed the Fade Street auditions! This lot coupled with copious
amounts of alcohol equate to cringe worthy TV and a severely inaccurate
representation of our generation – Why TV3?! Why! (No matter the budget, surely you can afford to make better TV)!!!
Reality TV shows have somehow weaselled
their way into our lives, and no matter the lengths one goes to avoid them, it’s
virtually impossible! Sure we have Jersey Shore, Geordie Shore and TOWIE to
name but a few (I haven’t actually watched them!) but surely they aren’t this
I’m repulsed that a young group
of people are utilised in such a fashion for supposed entertainment purposes
and in an obvious quest for fame by a TV station, when in fact they fail to
represent the youth of today in any shape her form. Unlike the lifestyle
depicted in Talafornia, young people do not drink every night of the week,
party constantly, and laze about a house all day without daily jobs to go to it
It saddens me that a TV station
would regard this as entertainment, and broadcast such a poor depiction of
modern living amongst young people in Ireland. In truth, this is not how the
majority of young people live. We’ve been aching to get in the headlines of
late to highlight issues regarding education fees, lack of graduate
opportunities, forced emigration, lack of input by the youth in politics and
you instead decide to air a group of yobs on the piss continuously!! Why?!
There was room and scope to fill such a time slot with other forms of
entertainment that could highlight issues currently under the spot light for
the young generation of today.
We struggle everyday to have our
voices heard, and yet you choose to air the voices of drunken idiots and media
crazed fame hungry youngsters, that do not clearly care for the country in the
same way so many of us do! We’re a well educated demographic, and entertainment
that attempts to explore the political and economic opinions would much better
For now though, it appears that TV3 are intent
on portraying falsities and misrepresentations of a young generation!! Cheers guys....
The Forgotten Irish Graduate 12 February 2012
The Forgotten Irish Graduate 12 February 2012