Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My letter to Santa...

Dear Santa,
Let me begin by expressing my apologies for the lack of contact over the past number of years, but in my defence letter writing is a dying art, it’s all about email these days!  Anyhow, it’s been yet another trying year for our little nation but despite that I’m pretty sure I’ve been good enough and so undoubtedly deserve the following:
A triple A credit rating reinstated to Ireland and each Eurozone member state the same.
A reversal in the hike in VAT, applying 23% to most non food items is unreasonable. 21% is just fine.
A complete overhaul of the public sector by an outsider, who has no previous government involvement – strip it back to what it needs to be, ensuring the right people with the right skill set are deployed to the right areas without excess baggage and overtime bills! The outsider should preferably hail from the private sector; possess the capability of tearing a dysfunctional public sector down, banishing the inefficiencies and creating a public sector fit for purpose!
A reversal of the increase in education fees outlined in Budget 2012 – quite frankly, the empty promises of the Labour party have been laid bare! Their promise not to raise third level registration fees was a mere election ploy, unfortunately it was not laden with veracity. Punishing the youth with a desire to educate themselves for other generation’s failures and faux pas’ – I for one can’t see the justice in that decision. The future of our country should be able to flourish in an egalitarian environment as opposed to exhausting all avenues to see if it is indeed possible to afford the registration fees for university tuition.
On the topic of an egalitarian environment – how about a few thousand jobs for the young graduates who are unfortunate to graduate at a time like this, and now must carry the burden of the economic crisis on their backs and spend their days, post honours degrees and Masters degrees, in a local shop, cafe or bar, in an attempt to make a basic standard of living whilst their true potential lies untapped and wasted.... Maybe you could have a word with Enda, and request he give a few cabinet seats to those young graduates worthy of them!
Instead of pausing the disability allowance measure as detailed in Budget 2012 undo all amendments proposed. Targeting the vulnerable youth who are faced with a struggle on a daily basis by cutting the allowance from €188 to €88 per week is quite simply callous.

Supply our poverty stricken nation with a proper summer please (i.e. 30 degrees of sunshine on a daily basis!) or leave the price of home heating oil unchanged - otherwise send me a hot water bottle! Regarding the imminent increase in petrol diesel and motor tax, can you instead of forcing me to trade in my banger, send me a bicycle - as I don't think crippling petrol prices and motor tax will suit me.
DIRT to rise from 27% to 30% will not serve as an incentive to spend – I mean where are young educated graduates expected to get the income to do so - for that reason, could you do me a favour and see that it is unchanged, as I’m almost certain most are saving for a boarding pass to leave this debt ridden country behind.
And finally, one last item, a competent government capable of piecing our broken economy back together!
Alas, if the above aren’t possible, I’ll settle for a surprise from you, but please be a dear and mention them to Enda and his merry elves!
Until next year,
The Forgotten Irish Graduate, December 2011
P.S. Please keep Brian Cowen, Bertie Ahern, Sean Fitzpatrick, Michael Fingleton, and all corrupt bankers and politicians alike on the naughty list this year and for the foreseeable future– god knows they do rightly deserve it!!